writing this post is the most productive i've been all day

Dec 23, 2015 01:53

today i doubled down on my slackitude and didn't get dressed or leave the house at all, except briefly to take my trash out. i sat on the couch all day and watched tv. well, i watered my plants and did some dishes, but otherwise there was a lot of nothing. it was a little weird.

i failed utterly in my attempt to find a driver for my printer, so i finally just hooked it up to my old laptop and hey, look at that, it worked! sort of. the colors are off and half the things i scanned had weird yellow lines across the image, and none of the slides scanned particularly well, so i don't think i'm going to be able to share any of the horrifying slides of my parents in their 70s fashions, or me with my floofy high school hair. :D

this is either a picture of a picture or a xerox of a picture, because the original is more sepia and less black and white. but that's my grandfather and his mom and four of his five sisters (the fifth was born in the us) before they left lithuania.

me (on the right) and my sister (on the left) when we went to phoenix for a cousin's bat mitzvah. my mom made those dresses. it's a slide and you can see what my scanner does to slides. >.<

weirdly yellow slide of my mom and her ugly late 60s/early 70s ski pants.

and because ellison asked about them, a yearbook photo of me from i think my junior year of college. possibly senior year, i'm not sure. it's not that blue in person, but did i mention my scanner was acting weird? i tried to fix the color, which is why it looks off.

the babble topic for today is my favorite story i ever wrote, for wendy, and that's a terrible question because i can't answer it. i've written a lot. my standard answer for favorite fanfic, rpf edition, is dillinger's got nothing on us, aka the gangster story - it was the first rps i wrote, it was my first bigbang, it has actual plot progression, i really did do some utterly ridiculous research for it - but i'm also partial to the not-so-secret interior life of the scientific moose - it's set in parts of greater boston that i know and in my head if not on screen it's half a love letter to radio stations i've known and comics i've read - and paris in the early days, aka the parisbang, because paris.

favorite fanfic, fpf edition, is probably still the gun show. i write so little non-rps fic that this will probably never change.

and for favorite ficfic, original edition, i have no fucking clue. i've written a lot! and after a while i tend to forget what i've written. i'm going to go with the beauty of destruction, because i really like it.

yesterday a space x rocket - the falcon 9 - blasted off into space, released eleven satellites into orbit, and landed back on earth, meaning we're that much closer to reusable rockets and travel to mars. also, it's just really fucking cool to watch. (apparently elon musk named the falcon rocket after the millennium falcon. i love science nerds.)

an artist transformed her parents' house into a gingerbread house. don't eat it, tho,

cbgb is going to reopen in... newark airport. as a restaurant. does anyone else find that deeply, deeply disconcerting?

outer space, wtf, family photos, slack-ass, 30 days of december babble, fic babble, architectural nifty

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