i'm home from wincon and full of links

Oct 22, 2015 21:42

first, happy (late >.< ) birthdays to halfshellvenus, fellow fangirl and friend of the penguin, and nomercles, who i am just getting to know. cake and glitter for all!

dancing boys: *tango*

second, who wants a wincon recap? :D

third, how about later? >.< it was weird being back monday night - it was quiet, for one thing, and i didn't feel TOTALLY CRAMPED in my bedroom, for another. because seriously, those hotel rooms were TINY. and then tuesday i, uh, went to the doctor (regular check-up, since it's been two years O.O ) and then went to work and got shit done (tm), and felt like i'd never been gone. which was both good and bad. i plan to sleep late on saturday because man, i've been sleep-deprived for a week.

while i was in pittsburgh i saw the martian with some of my fellow fangirls - and one girl who came with us to the theater but saw crimson peak instead, and gave it two fangirl thumbs up - and i liked it! two little things: that lewis and watney didn't have a thing, either mutual or unrequited, which made me think they didn't in the book, and that he said "hi handsome" to beck when he was rescued. i may or may not have wondered how much watney/beck fic is out there. also, sebastian stan had good hair. everyone had good hair! i am shallow and this is important. and sean bean commenting on the council of elrond - and sanders wanting to be glorfindel - made me giggle. i think it was the only thing i was really spoiled for. characterization was kind of thin for pretty much everyone, but there were a lot of characters, and even tho it was a long movie and felt it (that's not a negative, i mean a lot of stuff happens), you can't do much in-depth characterization when you're splitting screen time among so many people. also i'd read that it was funnier than you might expect, and it was! there was a lot of joking and teasing in the generally serious movie, and i liked that. unfortunately lewis' disco collection survived. hee.

even tho i was pretty sure i knew how it ended - i really didn't think watney was going to die on mars - i kept thinking "are they going to rescue him? are they? how are they going to get him? what else is going to go wrong? who's going to die now? is he going to survive?" which i paradoxically kind of enjoyed.

i continue to be impressed that so much of the science was accurate. i know it was in the book, but, well, this is hollywood, i always expect movie science.

pittsburgh used to be a really smoky city. thank god for the epa, is all i can say.

watch time-lapse cacti blooming - they're echinopsis cacti, which have flowers that bloom at night and are dead by morning. i see a pretty cactus, i must share.

just in time for halloween, sugar skulls! black and white ones.

motorcyclist stops to rescue kitten in busy intersection. she was helpfully wearing a gopro when it happened, which is probably how it got caught on video. i especially love her holding out her hand and yelling "stop! stop! stop!" at the cars as she gets off her bike and runs into the intersection. the kitten is of course completely adorable.

mom takes small daughter to skate park. small daughter is just learning how to skateboard. apparently-teenage boy there with his friends very kindly helps small daughter for an hour. mom posts open letter to boy on twitter. letter goes viral. boy is found. (boy is actually twenty and not a teenager.) boy is kind of baffled by the attention. small daughter will no doubt be back at the skate park to skateboard some more.

a museum of insanely detailed miniature movie sets - who wants to go to france with me to see this?

god damn you, sebstan, and your face too.

what is this ridiculous fixation, movie review, sugar, cactus, wincon formerly winchestercon, historical record, kitty!, sometimes people surprise you, tiny things, human kindness, psa, sebastian stan

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