plot bunnies appeared. people were blamed.

Apr 15, 2015 23:45

What I just finished reading:
the lies of locke lamora, which i liked a lot altho i wanted more detail in the world building, by which i mean a map with the countries on it, and blade of the immortal: final curtain, which is the last volume and ends in a very satisfying way. i've been reading boi for probably twelve years and it's really weird to have hit the end.

What I am reading now:
tales of burning love, by louise erdrich, mostly because i was feeling it for rereading love medicine but i can't find it. (it's probably in my parents' basement.) it starts the same way love medicine does, with june morrissey kashpaw and the trucker and the spring storm - "the snow fell deeper that easter than it had in forty years, but june walked over it like water and came home" - technically she froze to death, but whatever - but from the trucker's pov. i like it so far, but i was expecting to.

What I'm going to read next:
something i already own! dunno what, tho.

i sat outside for lunch and passed them on my walk.

on monday i was talking to tamalinn and she said what the world really needs is a movie in which sebastian stan plays meryl streep's boytoy, which i thought was a great idea. (the fact that he's already in a movie where he plays her son makes this only kind of creepy.) so yesterday morning, to keep myself awake on the bus, i spent some quality time thinking about how to turn that premise into a story - because i can't write a movie and don't actually want to, but it's a story i want to exist - mostly who these people are and how they'd meet in the first place. i figured the older woman is in her early 60s and she has two daughters and no husband - at first i thought she was widowed, but maybe they're just divorced, and in any case she's single and enjoying it - and also a middle-aged dog (either a corgi or a pitbull) named dolley madison, who's the friendliest dog ever but not the sharpest crayon in the box. the younger guy is maybe thirty and his friends don't understand why he's interested in this woman who's twice his age. how do they meet? i have no idea. i was thinking he worked for an escort type agency, the kind of place that sends hot young men out to escort wealthy older ladies to the opera or wherever - or, you know, to bed :D - because the money's good, and she kind of... orders a hot young man to accompany her to the ballet. but how does it progress to being an actual relationship? like, not one that either of them has to pay for. tamalinn says "i want it to be a legit relationship, and i want him to woo her" - like with flowers and romantic songs, and he's really genuinely in love with her - and i say "i can work with that" so now that's what i want to write. a may-december romance where may is the guy for once, and december is the woman.

but i'm not sure i want them to meet because she hires an escort for the night, but then i still don't know how they meet. but i have a picture in my head of him at someone's apartment, maybe they've had a little dinner party or something, and he's trying to explain to his friends why he's in love with this woman, and no it's not the money, come on, and they're just not buying it. because she's his mother's age! her friends think it's all about the sex, and they're not completely wrong, but she likes him for more than that. but i don't know if she's in love with him. and none of them have names. (just the dog.)

obviously i have to finish my bigbang first. and think of some names for these people. but there it is - a het romance with a significant age difference. should be fun, and i mean that sincerely.

chocolate tardises! (tardii? what's the plural of tardis?)

a guy in italy bought a building to turn it into a trattoria, and when the toilet kept backing up he started digging for the sewer pipe so he could fix it. he found a lot more than a sewer pipe. like, layers and layers and layers of history. the building that was supposed to be a trattoria is now a museum.

the very weird and apparently very true story of how a hockey fan contrived to throw a shark onto the ice during a game. he was a san jose sharks fan, and was riffing off the detroit red wings tradition of throwing octopi on the ice. arena security was less than thrilled.

and the daily poem, which is kind of but not really related to my new and exciting plot bunny.

She says to him, musing, "If ever you leave me,
and marry a younger woman and have another baby,
I'll put a knife in your heart." They are in bed,
so she climbs onto his chest, and looks directly
down into his eyes. "You understand? Your heart."

--"Forty Something", Robert Hass

spring!, hockey, dr who, wednesday reading meme, chocolate, april is poetry month, fans are weird, plot bunnies, historical nifty

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