reading meme. also links and the 100.

Mar 05, 2015 01:13

What I just finished reading:
mastering the art of soviet cooking, which i really, really enjoyed, and not just because there are recipes in back. (probably none of which i'll ever make, but still. if i need a russian recipe, i know where to look.) i feel like i know slightly more about soviet history than i did, which isn't saying much, but most of it was really interesting. and some of it was just kind of heartbreaking. i mean, pretty much the entire chapter about the 40s. (you know, the war years when everyone starved.) but also, there's some thought-provoking stuff about nostalgia and the way you remember things vs how other people remember them vs how they really were, and why are people so nostalgic for soviet russia, anyway? and i just really liked the author's voice - she's funny and conversational and educational and she refers to putin as "an obscure midget with a boring kgb past", which made me giggle.

What I am reading now:
the lies of locke lamora, by scott lynch, which i'm not that far into but which i like a lot so far. it skips back and forth in time, which might get on my nerves, but i like the characters, i like the world, i like the narrative voice.

What I'm going to read next:
no idea! god knows i have enough books in this house i've never read.

i didn't have writing group tonight after all - there were only going to be two people, me and someone else - so i got to see the 100. i thought it was the season finale, and was thinking "that's a terrible, cliffhangery way to end the season!" just as they showed the scenes for next week. >.< still highly cliffhangery. but good! with a couple "oh shit" moments, as per usual.

blind man sees wife for the first time in ten years - well, sort of. he got a "bionic eye" that lets him see light, and thus shapes. still, pretty damn cool.

the noun project - a growing library of icons, like a language anyone can read.

the oldest film footage of new york ever - from 1903 back to 1896. that's old.

language, historical nifty, the 100, wednesday reading meme, historical record, new york, science!

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