ichabod railing against low voter turnout was cute - i mean, for one thing, ichabod bitching about the modern world is always cute, and for another, elections are tomorrow! - but a. they're midterm elections and fewer people show up for them anyway, and b. abbie pointing out that voting in his day was confined to land-owning white men, and it took two constitutional amendments to enfranchise her, was pretty fab. and she gave him an "i voted!" sticker and he felt better. and "it's illegal for two people to be in the voting booth at the same time" and you can't campaign at the polls. heh.
henry was the reason katrina was demonically pregnant in the first place, so why did she and ichabod think he might take the curse away? seriously, people. her insistence that henry's really not that horrible is some incredibly blind denial. i get that he's her kid and what mother wants to think her child is irredeemably evil, but come on, katrina, he's the horseman of war. there's no goodness left in him. he impregnated you with moloch! i mean, really!
i'm not sure how i feel about ichabod with his hair down. (i know you're all surprised i think this is worth mentioning.) it doesn't look bad, it just looks weird. i like the ponytail.
oh hey, he learned cpr after the near-drowning incident in the library! very smart. and a fistbump, aww.
i'm going to assume all the americans on the flist are registered and ready to vote tomorrow, right? unless you voted early or by mail. remember - if you don't vote, and you're able to vote, you can't complain.
i've hit the point in the nanonovel where the heretic needs a name. ugh, names.