white boys are so delicious

Oct 15, 2014 01:41

man, i cannot concentrate on ANYTHING tonight. i watched soa twice - i always watch it twice - and i just could not follow it all. altho i kind of blame the million complicated plot threads, not just my inability to concentrate. i just have one more day to get through and then i can go to wincon and be with fangirls and not sleep. tomorrow will be a little nuts at work, tho.

today is ada lovelace day, in which we honor women in stem and the first computer programmer. and also, apparently, incredibly excited online articles.

apparently eartha kitt had a threesome with james dean and paul newman. that's way too much pretty in one place for me. yowza.

there's a chocolate-scent map of chicago. you know, if you were wondering where in the city you could go to smell chocolate on the breeze. oh, also other maps, but come on, chocolate.

this is just a really neat article about tokyo geography and the city's layout.

sam moosechester! i would wear that shirt. i would wear that shirt everywhere.

this french soldier's bedroom has remained unchanged since the guy was killed during ww1. his parents even stipulated when they sold the house that the new owners keep it the same way, and then everyone who has owned the house since, has. which is both really cool and kinda creepy.

it's never too late to be yourself - ie, trans woman has gender reassignment surgery at eighty-one. (is it "trans*", with the * ?) there's something about that i think is really cool. i mean, eighty-one is a long time to wait, but you're never too old to be the person you want.

twenty-seven texts you'll only get from your bestie - some of these made me laugh out loud at work. there are some things you can only get away with if you're saying them to your best friend.

fun texts, wincon formerly winchestercon, maps, pretty people doing each other, sons of anarchy, ada lovelace day, ww1, trans issues, supernatural

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