
Jul 03, 2014 22:42

today we got out of work early, so i came home and changed my clothes and stuffed my face and went back out in the ridiculous heat. >.< because i didn't want to sit in my house. i wilted walked down to the diesel cafe, had a giant iced tea, read my book, and, er, walked home. in the slightly less ridiculous heat. and then after it got dark the city of somerville shot off its city fireworks in the field across the street from my house. it was very exciting. :D of course the whole street smells like burning and explosions now and i probably have bits of exploded firework in my hair, but whatever. fireworks! and i didn't have to go anywhere to enjoy them. i didn't even put on shoes.

before that were some bands and some singers and someone playing the imperial march from star wars, which just cracked me up. i was talking to my mom on the phone and had to mention it. i don't think she was nearly as amused as i was, but at least she tried to pretend.

(i think somerville's fourth of july fireworks are always the thursday before the fourth. they block off the street and it's a whole big party. the only downside - aside from sometimes the music is, uh, more loud than good - is i have to find a place to park my car.)

the big boston fireworks are also tonight because i think it's supposed to rain tomorrow, but i'm not hauling my ass down to the river to watch them. they're on tv anyway.

i now have comments on my bigbang! two! yes i will shut up about this eventually, no it will not be right now.

fireworks, parisbang, i hate the heat

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