thrills! still!

May 12, 2014 23:33

happy birthday donutsweeper! fellow fangirl and ficcer of, er, ficlets! and good person to talk about tv with. :D i hope you're having a good day and that cake figures in there somewhere.

dancing boys: *high kicks*

quickie question: if you're allergic to cigarette smoke, will you have a similar reaction to pot smoke?

it was 78º this morning before i left my house, and it was SNOWING in colorado. SNOWING. i can't even.

i saw farwing on the bus, which is always fun, and then, while we were standing outside the t station saying goodbye, i missed the train. >.< and had to wait TWENTY MINUTES for the next one. and i still wasn't that late to work.

and all day when i was doing things i get paid to do, my brain kept turning over the steve/bucky au that i still can't believe i'm writing, and at the same time it kept poking at the original fic that the au has spawned. so now i need a name for a boy, because of course i do. >.< (the brain wants to call him quincy, except he hates being called that, and the brain doesn't want to shorten it to quinn. so now i have one boy with a name and one boy without, and not only does the boy without need a real name, he apparently needs a nickname too. i hate this part of writing.)

in totally other news, i can now share my bigbang summary! which means i can finally talk about it in public THANK GOD.

Paris in the Early Days

Paris, 1896. The glittery, glorious Belle Epoque. Jane Avril is dancing the cancan at the Moulin Rouge, Toulouse-Lautrec is producing the posters of cabarets and dancing girls that have made him famous, Alphons Mucha has started producing the art nouveau posters that are making him famous, the white basilica of Sacre-Coeur is rising at the top of the hill overlooking Montmartre, and Jared Padalecki, twenty-three and Texan, has settled in that bohemian neighborhood with his writer boyfriend to be a painter. They hang out with fellow artists, dancing girls, a café owner, a nanny working for an Englishman and his American wife. Like many artists in that time and place, they're poor as church mice, but as happy as two boys in love in Paris can be.

there's a hedgehog cameo. :D and vague descriptions of paintings. and fairly short sex scenes. and the usual complement of non-cw actors. and a certain amount of cluelessness about paris geography. and possibly more interesting things i can't think of right now. it's fluffy and plotless and i had fun writing it. and i must have pleased some random fandom god because petite-madame claimed my summary which means a. i won't have to send her photo reference (as she actually lives in paris :D ), and more importantly, b. the art will be fabulous. the fic brain is very excited.

the last chained libraries - way back in the medieval and renaissance mists of time, libraries kept their books chained to the desks. you didn't want the masses to walk off with the books, y'know. there are still a few of these libraries left, and some of them are still even open to the public.

calamityware - blue and white porcelain plates with nontraditional subjects painted in traditional chinese style. like, say, a horde of flying monkeys. and a sea serpent.

weather, c'mon rogers c'mon, plot bunnies, cool shit, parisbang, psa, bigbang 2014, libraries, new job big office

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