happy mother's day [1] to the moms in the audience! i hope your kids appreciate you, because i think you're pretty cool.
and if today is hard for you, i hope you're with people who make you feel happy and appreciated and loved, because you too are pretty cool. :D
now who wants some ice cream?
seriously, it might actually be ice cream weather around here. (altho to be honest i think it's always ice cream weather around here.) i actually had to open a window. O.O which is a big deal!
the family unit is coming over soon for mother's day. i'm going to make dinner. (also i will have help.) in the past couple days i have:
sent the steve/bucky au off to beta
gone grocery shopping (twice) (technically three times if you count the special trip i had to make just to find lamb chops)
bought a mother's day card
ordered checks at the bank
swiffed dusted
swept (the vacuum is unsatisfying)
watered the plants
cut some dead bits off said plants
did the dishes
thought about the steve/bucky au
made cookies
did the dishes again
cleaned the bathroom
cleaned the kitchen
thought about the steve/bucky au again
put the handles on my pantry (it's a freestanding cabinet from ikea so the handles/doorknobs are separate)
cut up green beans
cut up strawberries
did some more dishes
set the table
and then it was 4:30 and i was done. and the parental unit is coming at 5:30. my sister is coming a little early to help but there's nothing for her to do! i still have to get dressed, but she can't help me with that.
oh, and also i made contact with my bigbang artist and sent her a draft. and i made contact with my beta (hi dee!) but have not yet sent her a draft. >.< i'm still VERY EXCITED, and in a SUPERB MOOD.
really. superb. :D this bang will be a good one, i can tell.
i hope your sundays are good ones, whatever you're doing and wherever you're doing it.
one last thing:
superhero watercolors. lovely and kind of minimalist. check out the artist's
gallery - there's some really pretty stuff there.
[1] is it mother's day in canada too? i'm pretty sure mother's day in the uk is a different sunday, and i don't know when the rest of the world (if the rest of the world) celebrates it.