first! for the winconners on the flist,
voting for panels is now open! and if you look at some of those panel names and think "what the hell does that mean?" (altho i think most of them are pretty self-explanatory), there are descriptions
no non-superhero comics panel this year, alas. possibly i should've gotten my shit together and suggested one, back when they were taking panel suggestions.
what happens when you expose a peep to a vacuum? (the lack-of-air vacuum, not the home-appliance-that-scares-the-dog vacuum. like if you were in a spaceship and sent some peeps out the airlock.)
third! i'm slightly less panicked about my bigbang, because i downloaded it onto google drive and worked on it at work. we had some down time that i could use, what can i say. i finished the beginning and am slowly knitting scenes together. and then i have to write the ending. >.< i have a title, tho. i don't love it, but i don't think it's terrible. mostly i hope that a. my summary entices a good artist, and b. they're not disappointed in the fic when they finally get to read it.
apparently nathan fillion paints his girlfriend's toenails. i find this almost excessively adorable. the man is a treasure, seriously.
fifth! allow me to share this
unicorn rainbow fart cake. spn fen may now commence remembering the episode that ended with sam covered in glitter spooge. :D and included a unicorn bounding across a field with a rainbow coming out its ass.
sixth! passover is now over which means i can put peanutbutter on my leftover matzah. oh, and i can eat bread again. mmm, bread. i may or may not have overbought on passover food, tho - i have an entire canister of macaroons left, and almost a whole box of matzah. (i have no idea how that happened.) and a bunch of matzah crackers. but on the plus side, bread. and bagels.