mmm, irradiated!

Dec 16, 2013 22:00

happy birthday ashbet! pretty fabulous person who i'm just getting to know. :D here's to cake! and your body behaving itself.

dancing boys: *tango*

i wrote this yesterday and didn't post it, so when you read it pretend it's still sunday:

28 days later is on right now. i love this movie but man, it is so fucking sad. if anyone remembers my post-apocalyptific, this is where a lot of it comes from. the image in the beginning of jim crossing the bridge in the middle of an entirely - and creepily - empty london made a huge impression on me. the empty grocery store with the irradiated apples made an appearance in a picfor1000 fic one year.

we got snow yesterday - yay! - and then i had to drive in it because my sister had a hanukah party. half the guests canceled on account of weather, which mostly meant that it was a nice cozy party. also there were meatballs. :D i got chocolate in the yankee swap and the girl who got my cocktail-book-and-wee-bottles-of-liquor really liked it, so yay. and then i had to drive home. :| which was not at all fun, since it hadn't stopped snowing but the streets weren't exactly plowed or sanded, and there are some (thankfully small) hills between my sister's house and mine.

today i way overslept, by which i mean i stayed in bed until almost one thinking about stories i've already written and the bits i didn't add, which meant i had just enough time to crack the snow off my car and dig it out of the frozen slush so i could go to curling. (this is the one thing i hate about snow - having to dig my car out after the plows have thrown snow against it and the folks who shoveled out the driveways on either side of it have blocked it in because why should they care where they dump the snow they take off their driveways.) there's a guy in my league who looks weirdly like misha collins, in a "they could totally be related" kind of way. i highly doubt they are, tho.

/end sunday

i have to say, i'm really enjoying almost human because i really like dorian. and kennex is the cutest grumpypants. and the two of them are really cute together. and every so often i actually like the case parts of the plot.

i watched being human on friday and i had no idea what was going on but i think i liked it.

lego rivendell - homg. 200k lego pieces. yowza.

fun beatnik slang - apparently not actually beatnik, but still fun. i like "interviewing your brains" myself.

lego, lotr, 28 days later, fun with my sister, almost human, snow, psa, slang

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