yay rain! also little detached office rooms

Sep 13, 2013 00:25

it's raining and this pleases me. (even tho it rained into my bedroom. oops.) there was lightning earlier and that pleased me too.

tomorrow haven returns, and this pleases me mightily.

saturday is yom kippur and i'll be fasting. this does not please me.

in sort of the same vein as the tiny house with the massive bookshelf yesterday, i bring you office pods. some of them look more like tiny houses. most of them remind me of writers' sheds, altho as with the writers' sheds, the big windows and presence of nice views means i wouldn't get a damn thing done because i'd be staring out the windows the whole time. also, $33k is way too much for what's essentially a jumped-up spare room.

dinosaur fabric patterns! because come on, dinosaurs.

a guy stepped on my foot on the t coming home from work and made my toe bleed. (i was wearing sandals. he was wearing shoes with very hard heels.) he kind of apologized. i told him i thought he'd managed to step on exactly one toe, which was painful but kind of impressive. why he was standing that close to me i have no idea, since the train wasn't crowded and he had a wheelie suitcase and you'd think he'd want to have some space. but no. ow.

that was my foot jackass, writing sheds, good things, tiny houses

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