What I just read:
the many deaths of the firefly brothers, by thomas mullen, which i kept thinking about after i'd finished. i spent most of the book being kind of annoyed at all the flashbacks, nested flashbacks, and alluded-to-but-not-explained past events, and while the events were eventually explained, the flashbacks continued to a. annoy me, and b. fuck with my sense of the passage of fictional time. which maybe was part of the point. i enjoyed it a lot, tho. i mean, it's about gangsters and the depression and love and secrets and stories and brothers - it's right in my wheelhouse and there's no reason for me NOT to like it.
What I'm reading now:
miss garnet's angel, by salley vickers, which someone (either
ephemera or
cicirossi) sent me with a note that said, basically, "this isn't my thing but you might like it". so far it mostly makes me want to go to venice. i'm not sure i like the main character but she does seem to be getting more sympathetic. but the writing style is kind of formal, and even tho a couple of the blurbs on the cover call the book "very kind, very funny" and "a subtle, witty tale", i have yet to hit the funny and the witty. i want to know what's going on, tho, so i expect to finish it.
What I'm reading next:
i think i've said this every time, but i have no idea. blade of the immortal, so i can get it off my dining room table and put it away. maybe jonathan strange & mr norrell, because i've had it FOREVER and haven't read it yet. or something else, i don't know. i kind of stalk other people's books-i'm-reading posts for ideas.
and if you need a dose of fuzzy and adorable,
i bring you puppies dealing with stairs. i may or may not have giggled. a lot.