links and leverage and a yak hair sweater (no, really)

Jan 10, 2013 01:30

happy (late >.< ) birthday to roguebitch and liminalia! i hope you're both unstressed and had days of happy with cake. :D (there should always be cake.)

dancing boys and girls: *hula*

today my mom and i went clothes shopping and i got a sweater knitted out of - wait for it - yak hair. :D well, 50% yak and 50% wool. but still. yak. it's soft.

(we went into one store that was full of neon and a million different colors of pants, and it was kind of like the 80s came back and puked all over a bunch of hangers. i guess there are worse decades to return to fashion, but do we really need lemon yellow pants and eyeball-searing neon pink and green tops? at least the football-player shoulder pads don't seem to have made a comeback....)

i've finally seen the leverage series finale and while there were some things i didn't love - the setup (or lack thereof) for the case, for one - i really, really liked the very end. i'm not sure if i'll miss the show, but i enjoyed it while it was on, and the ot3 made me really consistently happy, and i'll miss them.

tiny popcorn monsters - beware the tiny evil lurking in your popcorn!

baby dalek dress - by which i mean, a dalek dress for your favorite baby geek. but if she takes over the world, you only have yourself to blame.

pop-up book of unicorn autopsy - it's an artist's book, made like a box, with a paper unicorn in it, with fold-outs so you can see the bones and innards. and also, there's a surprise inside.

150 years of london underground - to celebrate the tube's 150th anniversary. the photos start with the construction of one of the lines and go through the years to a picture of rush hour in 2012. historical and nifty!

rdj in an ugly-ass silver suit - just what it says. for such an attractive man, he had some terrible taste in clothes.

the puppy bowl will now include hedges - you know, if you watch the puppy bowl. hedgehog cheerleaders, i think. imagine hedges with tiny pompoms.

leverage, clothes, oh my god the cute, crafty fen, historical nifty, psa, rdj, geekery, art, hedgies

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