happy birthday
wrenlet, who is still my favorite enabler and sharer of tiny fandoms. :D she makes me watch new-to-me tv and like it! today is a day for cake and also pizza served by the cutest pie pusher in north carolina. :D
also a happy birthday to
cantarina1, fangirl and podficcer and generally pretty nifty person. (and who may or may not spend time on lj any more, but in the spirit of putting good vibes out into the universe.... :D )
dancing boys and girls: *tango*
this morning i had an interview for a long-term temp job. it was a short interview - maybe half an hour, maybe - and the woman i interviewed with did most of the talking. and i was all prepared to answer questions and talk myself up and everything! i'd be putting together financial reports for this giant consulting firm for four months. cross your fingers for me, because i reallllly want to be employed, even temporarily.
i should know by friday and i just want to slack on the job search like no one's business until then. that would be a bad idea, wouldn't it. i should take some time to work on a story for writing group, tho.... (every year at the end of the year we do a holiday project and i don't want to be writing it all at the last minute. so far i have a woman traveling with a fire-and-brimstone tent preacher type in the post-apocalypse. nothing that looks like a plot or a conflict, tho.)
and now i'm watching a castle rerun and it guest stars the actress who plays myka on warehouse 13! weird! but kind of cool. also? nathan fillion is adorable.
did i mention i got a haircut on saturday? i did. it's shorter and curly and it pleases me. this is important mostly because i've had bad luck with hair lately, and cute hair makes me happy.
in other happy news, have
twenty-six moments from 2012 that can restore your faith in humanity. you may need a kleenex.
and in the department of really cool shit, i bring you
possibly the first recordings of christmas day. they were made by a family in london between 1902 and 1917. the patriarch of the family (ie, dad/husband) wheeled the recording machine down the street in his kids' stroller to record the sound of neighborhood church bells. how cool is that?