you all right? are you sure? 'cause you just went through a wall.

Oct 11, 2012 23:43

sorry, i'm watching gone in 60 seconds. i love this movie like pie. it's full of hot cars and cute actors. and, er, nicolas cage.

today is 10/11/12. well, if you count dates with the month first. nifty!

my mom called me today to ask if i wanted to come over to watch the vp debate. i said no. i thought all that ryan would just piss me off. according to twitter, tho (and can i just interrupt to say how much i love twitter sometimes?), biden kicked ass and didn't let ryan get away with shit. which, yay. but i'm still not sorry i passed on it.

in more cheerful tv news, i have discovered numb3rs several years late, because now it's rerunning during the day and, y'know, i don't have anything else to do. david krumholtz is FUCKING ADORABLE. i think it's the hair. and the math.

also, i watched yesterday's spn. and sam really is thor! and got all sammishly smashy about the five-eighths of a virgin. (which, ew. also a cheap shot at the not-starlet-skinny stammery bank clerk.) i desperately want to take a garden shears to his hair, tho. i wasn't sure how i felt about kevin's mom until she opened up a can of tax whoop-ass on the pawn shop dude, and i liked that she sold her soul for kevin at the auction, altho it didn't exactly surprise me and i'm kind of tired of people selling their souls on this show.

also, sam, that was the fastest backwards exorcism ever and i was kind of impressed. as was dean, apparently.

dean protesting at sam wanting to use the car for auction bidding made me giggle. "he didn't mean it, baby." hee. and the boys' looks when the bidding started cracked me up, altho seriously, guys, you're at an auction of supernatural artifacts presided over by a god - did you really think a couple thousand bucks and a costco membership card would get you anywhere?

i thought the flashbacks were kind of boring, but they were very castiel-focused and i don't really care about him. i think he passed relevance a couple seasons ago, altho to be totally honest i liked that he ate leviathan at the end of s6. but i'm tired of the ptb insisting that i should care because dean does because they're beffies. yeah, no. also the flashbacks didn't really seem to have a point. i mean, we know purgatory was a war zone, we know dean is kind of ptsd-y from having been there, we know he made a deal with benny to get out, how much more exposition do we need? does it matter that castiel ran the other way in purgatory to draw the remaining leviathan away from dean? i'd actually rather see a flashback from sam's year of living normally, because i'm really curious how he adjusted to a non-hunter life.

and i can't believe i'm saying this, but crowley is about to wear out his welcome too.

at least the boys feel like brothers who can tease each other and work together, altho part of me thinks it shouldn't be this easy for them to just fall back into hunting together, altho also i'm guessing dean's purgatory ptsd is going to become an issue with sam.

(what's up, tiger mommy)

gone in sixty seconds, politics, supernatural recap s8, numb3rs

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