happy birthday
wolfling! fellow fangirl. :D a birthday requires cake! and dancing boys, natch.
dancing boys: *two step*
tomorrow is
national voter registration day! i'm assuming all the americans reading this are registered to vote, but if you know someone who isn't? remind them to do it, and to make sure they have appropriate id for when they vote.
on saturday i met up with
astaria51 and
lunamorgan who were in town to see patrick wolf, and their friend
orange74. we went to harvard square and ate and walked and had tea and talked about stuff and things and fandom and, er, patrick wolf, which for me was kind of like listening to people talk about teen wolf or homestuck, in the sense that i have zero familiarity with these fandoms that people love, the only difference being i was actually kind of interested in patrick's music. and this turned out to be important because
farwing had an extra ticket and twisted my arm to go. so all five of us plus
twitch124 ended up at patrick wolf together. :D it was a good show and i enjoyed it, and i'm glad i went. and i had a good time with faye and jessi, and i just hope they had a good time too.
one of the women sitting in front of me at the show (we got seats in the first and second rows) had a vinyl bag with vinyl teeth appliqued on it, and it was SO CUTE. it came from
sugar lust on etsy. i pimp because seriously, teeth on a messenger bag.
and then yesterday was a day of slack, altho at least i went to the grocery store and then to my parents' house so they could feed me. i missed the emmys but i don't think anything i actually watch was nominated - altho the guy who played dickie bennett on justified got a best guest actor award - so i don't feel like i missed anything.
currently watching revolution, and i have no idea where this show is a actually filmed (altho greater vancouver seems likely), but a lot of it looks like a soundstage. i can't get over how clean and agrarian-utopian a lot of the post-apocalypse looks. at least a lot of the people don't look like they've been washing and clothing themselves without power for fifteen years.
maggie's iphone is in beautiful condition, and i admit i kind of giggled at her whole "i held on to it because it has all my kids' photos and i don't have actual prints" speech. gotta love the commentary on modern photo tech vs old fashioned cameras, especially right before an ad for the iphone 5. and i can't be the only spn fan watching who's getting a very strong whiff of weechesters in all of charlie's talk about how she took care of her brother when they were little.
on the plus side, the guest actor in the scenes for next week makes me squee. guess i have to watch at least one more episode.
thistle_dear -
hedgehog bento!