i need a sillier icon than this (maybe a moose)

Jul 26, 2012 14:06

evidently if you're looking at reddit and you don't have adblocker on your computer, you get a silly moose as a thank you. hee.

...i think i'm having haven withdrawal. this is weird! also it means i might have to rustle up s2 this weekend to get my fix. (s2 is out on dvd, right?)

i need to gloat for like thirty seconds: i booked a plane ticket for wincon and not only is it non-stop from boston to dallas, but it's (slightly) cheaper than my flight to north carolina to see wrenlet. ie, CHEAP. i have no idea how that happened but i am not complaining.

fangirls! come to wincon! we have cookies! (no, seriously. chocolate mint. they're good.)

ok, gloating over. :D

haven, wincon formerly winchestercon, moose

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