i did stuff this weekend and also bought shoes

Jun 18, 2012 15:27

last night i had an oddly pleasant dream that included:

a. telling someone i had to go move my car and get a parking ticket, by which i meant i was parked in a self-pay lot but had to actually buy a "you have paid to park here all day" ticket, so i wouldn't get fined.

b. an interesting if sadly short conversation with a not-uncute boy named arthur about the hunger games - i was walking to the parking lot where my car was, and he was walking next to me, and he asked me some question that i absolutely cannot remember but which led into a discussion of katniss and (i'm pretty sure) the book of the hunger games, rather than the movie, and when we got to the lot where my car was, i introduced myself and he introduced himself (which is how i know his name was arthur :D ) and i actually got a good look at his face, and then i asked if he needed a ride somewhere, because we'd been having this interesting conversation and i wanted to talk to him some more, but he said no, thank you, and we went our separate ways.

c. me backing my car into an elevator in the process of trying to get it out of the lot, because someone had parked in front of me and blocked me in, but i'd parked right near an outdoor craft stall or the back of a store with sales tables outside, and a woman who worked there waved me back so she could move the tables so i could then pull out thru the space they'd vacated. but i ended up backed into an elevator instead.

d. the elevator stopping at the wrong floor of a building and me being told i couldn't be on that floor, and some guy in a suit letting me out of the elevator and out of the building anyway.

e. dinner with a middle-aged guy crotalus-atrox knew - she was there briefly and then it was just me and this guy at the table - i ordered french toast because i could.

f. a lot of me telling people i had to move my car. o.O

and then i woke up to say goodbye to tamalinn who was meeting a friend for breakfast, and who would be off to new york by the time i got home.

oh, she came to visit this weekend. :D and stayed with me. and got to see a lot of people. we went to the sam adams brewery with a couple of her friends (nice people whose company i enjoy) for a tour on saturday, which was informative and fun and included not only beer samples but a quick lesson on how to taste beer, which i imagine is kind of what you might learn at a wine tasting. you know, you smell it, you look at it, you take a little sip so the front of your palate can taste it, you take another sip so the back of your palate can taste it.... that night we met others of her friends for dinner, and i got breakfast because i could and also a shake that tasted like the best creamsicle i have ever had. seriously, it was like orange-flavored sex in a cup.

my sister had her birthday party saturday night at a bar in (i think) south boston - it was south of south station, anyway - and because she'd moved it from the original weekend so i could actually go, i went. i wore my new cute shoes that i got friday (tamalinn and i went shopping) and i knew like two people there, altho my sister introduced me to a few more, and i stayed for maybe an hour and then went home. i felt kind of bad that i didn't want to stay longer but i'm not the socialest of butterflies in a crowd of people i don't know, especially when they already know each other, and i went because my sister wanted me to, not so much because i really wanted to.

yesterday i went out with the family unit for father's day, and ate lobster and the juiciest corn on the cob ever, and then ice cream, and we made all these plans for a family vacation which basically boiled down to "let's go to phoenix at the end of december". buhfly? i would like to see you if possible. :D

last night i watched the season finale of the killing which was, well, i don't think they needed all of s1 to set up s2. they certainly didn't need all of s1 to set up the finale of s2. i'm not sure how i feel. also watched longmire and liked it, partly because it had a very thin thread of possibility for a weird au crossover (by which i mean, c thomas howell playing a guy from boston), and partly because i continue to really enjoy katee sackhoff on my tv. and i like longmire himself.

now tamalinn is on her way to new york and i really liked having her here, and am really glad she had a good time. more people should come visit. :D

fun with friends, boston, family fun, the killing, weekend wrapup, longmire

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