got detailed notes back from my beta for the first half of my bigbang - notes like "these sentences don't make any logical sense" as well as plot and character stuff - so i am now officially in editing mode. yay? but also, and more interestingly, i was watching cinderella man on tv tuesday night, and it's based on the true story of a boxer (played by russell crowe, who looks little compared to some of the guys he gets to fight) in the 1930s, and i decided about halfway thru it that what i really wanted to write was the story of a (contemporary) girl boxer. because girls hitting each other in the face is apparently where my brain is at. >.< if this female boxer looks a little bit like ellen page in my head, i know
who to
my bigbang posts two weeks from yesterday. O.O i need to edit a little faster. and my podfic for
podficbigbang goes up a week from tomorrow, but that's finished.
a guy in illinois woke up to find a spider in his bed
and ran out of the house stark naked in fright. he ran thru a glass door, even. that is some arachnophobia. (there are no spider pictures or indeed any pictures at all in the article, so the spiderphobic may feel free to click the link.)
little blue led lights floating thru tokyo - like fireflies, apparently, only blue. and solar-powered. and floating along the river, rather than flying over it. pretty, tho.
what else did i want to share with you lovely people? i don't remember.