i could eat a latke...

Dec 20, 2011 23:37

happy first night of hanukah to the jews on the flist! as it is said: they tried to kill us, they failed, let's eat. :D

in that vein, have a map of london's east end in 1899. the blue bits are where the jews were.

merry christmas from bellevue hospital - they built a (boring and office-building-y) new facade in front of the (classical) old facade, and between the two is an atrium, and in that atrium is a christmas tree and some seasonal decorations. i particularly like the snow over the (old) front door, as if it snowed inside.

festive christmassy fungus in a petri dish - single cells, single cells, see how they divide.... do i need to warn for science nerdery?

ralph fiennes is on the daily show and now jon stewart is asking him who would win in a voldemort/herman cain swordfight, and ralph's answer is "it depends on the length of the wand." heee.

i'm going to california tomorrow to see tamalinn and possibly azewewish and eat chinese food on christmas, and i'm kind of excited. y'all be good while i'm gone. :D

science!, jewstuff, harry potter, london, jon stewart, architectural nifty

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