we'll love it just like lyle

Dec 13, 2011 11:44

happy birthday sky_dark, my favorite fma fangirl, and poisontaster, fangirl in non-fma fandoms and occasionally unwilling caretaker of small neurotic dog. i know i'm a day late. i hope you both got cake. :D

dancing boys: *two-step*

hey, i was in texas. didn't see any two-stepping, tho.... but i did get to eat bbq and fried green tomatoes and a chicken fried steak as big as the plate. mmmm, cream gravy. and wrenlet and i went to waffle house because a. they don't have them up here, and b. waffles and grits for dinner. so i have now been to a waffle house and enjoyed it immensely (did i mention i had a large waffle and grits for dinner? and didn't have to make them myself?) and someday i'll have to write something that will include a scene in one. they had a smoking section. i'm not used to restaurants with smoking sections. (we sat at the other end. no smoke.) also i got to see wendy and meet her dogs, and i saw thistle-dear and her house, and wrenlet and i watched thor (LOVED IT) and a bunch of james mcavoy movies (penelope - ADORABLE - starter for ten - also adorable and kinda slashy, and it has a great mid-80s britpop soundtrack - and shakespeare retold - i think that's what it's called - in which macbeth is set in a three-star restaurant and james is the chef and loses his shit in fairly spectacular fashion) and a bear named winnie with michael fassbender. and some episodes of grimm, which i liked. and wren drove us into dallas proper so i could see the kalita humphreys theater, which is apparently the only frank lloyd wright theater that was ever actually built. it was finished just after he died, and if i didn't know it was his, i'm not sure i'd recognize it as such. but we walked thru the lobby and around the building and admired it, and now i can say i've seen it.

i also got to talk about my (theoretically future) bigbang, which is always nice, and a couple other random fic ideas. wren and wendy enabled me, what can i say.

and now i'm home and i already got some holiday cards (tygerseye and betra have some very cute kids) and it's actually cold in boston so it finally feels festive around here. and i have a shit-ton of work to do, but i expected that, but i should get to it.

if i missed anything interesting/exciting/worth repeating, please to be letting me know. i've shared my week. :D

frank lloyd wright, psa, gone to texas, fun with fangirls

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