happy (late >.< ) birthday to
dreamt, thinky bunny mama. i hope you had a good one, and that there was cake. :D (and if not cake, at least the nearest equivalent.)
dancing boys: *hula*
so apparently tony curran was on h50 last night. of course i stopped watching the show a few weeks ago.... (it just got too ott for me and i hated what they were doing to kono.) maybe i should've stuck with it! tony falls into the smallish group of actors/actresses who i will watch in anything.
i realized about halfway thru hell on wheels on sunday that there are maybe four likeable characters on the whole show, if that, and everyone is so amorally mercenary, it's like "how can i profit from this situation?" is the required primary thought anytime anything happens. also i want to smack colm meany's character on a regular basis. i still like it, tho. i kinda like how grubby and muddy it looks, and there's a lot about westward expansion that i think is interesting. in some ways i am very easy to please.
those of you what are familiar with gilbert and sullivan: are their operettas appropriate for, say, seven-year-olds? and if you were the parents of a small child with a birthday in november, would you give him the fancy-ass model train set for his birthday or wait until christmas? (in my head it is a very fancy model train set, partly because dad and dad's dad made their money off the railroad. maybe they could give him the basic stuff for his birthday and then give him some more train cars and, like, a wee model train station or something for christmas. a bridge for the tracks to go over, some cows to watch the trains go by. that kind of thing.)
i am not loving the new&improved gmail. everything is slightly harder to read and i can't figure out how to get rid of the little sidebar that tells you everyone else who's signed on. on the other hand, i have the planetary background back, and i do love me some outer space.