everyone else has left for the weekend so i might too

Oct 07, 2011 15:47

happy birthday crotalus_atrox! here's to bromances and romances and comics and macarons. :D sadly i cannot provide appropriate lapdancers, but i totally would if i knew any.

...did i say macarons? i meant cake too. :D

dancing girls: *shimmy*

also today is ada lovelace day. give the technologically-inclined ladies in your life some love. :D

curling starts up again on sunday. i still don't have actual curling shoes. i still feel like the most amateur of amateur curlers. i also don't think i know anyone on my team, which is once again all guys except for me, but i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.

the boutiquey gift shop across the street from the office, the one with the "money can't buy happiness, but it can buy marshmallows" plaque, now has big ceramic dia de los muertos skulls in the window as part of its halloween display. at least i think they're ceramic - they could be fancy shmancy styrofoam or something. mostly they just look really cool.

according to my writing group, all roads eventually lead to gay porn. this may or may not have come up because i have just that kind of reputation in writing group. i'm amused that's what they think of me. heh.

last night i dreamed i met jared padalecki on a bus. (i was sitting behind him.) i managed to keep the squealing fangirl at bay until we got close to our destination, at which point i asked very politely if he'd mind if i took a picture with him when we got off the bus. and he said yes. so of course after we stopped and everyone got off - it was kind of like a tour-group shuttle bus, where everyone is going to the same resort or whatever, even if they're not all in the same tour group - i lost him in the crowd. and then i found him. and then we kind of wandered up and down a beach, which was more of a beach on a cliff, and somehow we ended up sitting on a sidewalk with our backs to a building, me working on a book i was making, and him writing a story, which might or might not have been a potential spn story. he wrote in pencil and made changes by crossing things out rather than just erasing them. (the things i remember, seriously.) i said i thought my parents were probably starting to worry about where i was, plus i didn't have a needle and couldn't sew my book, so we got up to leave. i think we made it as far as the cottage where my parents (and i guess i) were staying, and then my leg cramped and woke me up. and i was annoyed at having to cut off the experience of wandering around in platonic friendly fashion with a scruffy and very cute adorablecki. and i never did get someone to take our picture.

why i always have ust-free platonic dreams about actors i would totally bang in real life is beyond me. in the dream jared was still married to genevieve, because her name came up in conversation and he got this really cute, really goofy love-struck look on his face. why couldn't i dream that he was single and into me? *sigh* on the plus side, my subconscious clearly thinks he's adorable and seems to like the scruff, so i guess i can't complain.

(i really am in the middle of making a book, and all i have to do is sew it together. that seemed like a very transparent part of the dream.)

creepy halloween party food - i like the mummies, myself. and the bloody brain cupcakes. and the melting-face cake is awesomely disgusting and reminds me a bit of the melting&exploding heads at the end of raiders of the lost ark. ewwwwww.

dreams, fun food, writing group, holiday decorating, psa, the adorablecki, curling

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