don't it make you wanna get some sun

Aug 02, 2011 14:05

i may or may not have a wee baby plot bunny for a spn fic. i am facepalming SO HARD at myself right now. it would actually be three ficlets, for this pic, this pic, and this pic. (warnings for amputation, i guess. does that require a warning?) there's clearly a story there! i kind of want someone else to write it, tho. i'm not capable. i mean, there's a reason i write j2 and not sam&dean. altho i do think i can do reasonably decent h/c....

so. uh. any takers?

someone's going "you should totally write that!" aren't they....

in other news, i've spent a big chunk of the morning and afternoon printing old emails. i wouldn't have thought this required as much concentration as it does. i'm almost thru june, at least. and then i have to go thru the correspondence sent from us, as soon as i'm done with the correspondence sent to us. ugh, work. why can't i have a nice relaxing day alone in the office? i could write! at least i managed to change my phone service in preparation for moving, and i can even keep my phone number. woot. and tomorrow i'm going to the future apartment to measure rooms. double woot. and then i REALLY have to start getting rid of stuff. not so woot.

anyone want an old sleeper sofa? you have to come pick it up, tho.

engineers fly the world's first printed plane - it was built using a laser sintering machine, which basically prints layers and layers of either metal or plastic, which means a. it's cheaper and faster to build than a traditionally-assembled plane, and b. you can design funky shapes and structures that would be super difficult (and expensive) to build otherwise. also you can kind of redesign on the fly if you have to. i have no idea if this will ever become the standard way to build planes, but it's pretty nifty anyway.

things what are nifty, fanfic, work, mmm new apartment smell, plot bunnies

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