five things make a post

Apr 11, 2011 23:48

i really like hawaii five-0 but i never watch for the cases, which means i'm only ever half paying attention to them, which means i'm always half confused. but man, i love watching steve and danny work with each other. they are so cute.

also i really liked chicago code tonight, because a. liam, and b. jarek and caleb. who are also so cute together. oh, and c. the superintendent's driver. good stuff. and i actually watch for the plots, which means i actually pay attention, which means i'm not as confused. which is always nice.

over the weekend i rented defiance (which i keep wanting to call deliverance, which is apparently on tv right now o.O ) which i liked a lot, and not just because it's got jamie bell and daniel craig. :D it made me think about oskar and conrad, the story i love the most that i'll never write, because oskar spent a couple years with the partisans in the polish forest and he too managed to survive the war and emigrate to the us with the person he loved.

i do not have a lot of faith in my ability to finish my spn-cinema fic on time. i have until friday, i think, but my boss is in new york tomorrow and wednesday and thursday, so theoretically i should have some time to work on it. theoretically. but i still don't have a lot of faith in my ability to finish it. you'll know how it turns out if i start asking for a beta on saturday.

at some point i should maybe do my taxes. i mean, the deadline is only four days from now....

hawaii 5-0, movies, the chicago code, oskar and conrad, gone in what are you thinking?

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