getcher hot fresh links here....

Mar 29, 2011 14:31

i feel like i should have more to share besides links, but, well. i like links. links are why i have a twitter. :D

from the news of the weird department: the great molasses flood - in january of 1919, boston's north end was flooded with about 2.3 million gallons of molasses. seriously. a tank popped open and molasses went EVERYWHERE. twenty-one people (and i think some horses) were killed. the flood even bent the girders of the elevated train, putting that particular bit of the t (temporarily) out of commission. people used to say you could still smell the stuff in the summer. anarchists were blamed at the time but (unsurprisingly) it was due to crap-ass tank construction.

from the news of the oooh department: lights out for earth hour - which was apparently this past saturday. >.< photos of big cities (and a mom and a little kid) before and after 8:30, at which point you were supposed to turn the lights off for an hour. even vegas dimmed its lights. i'm mostly linking this for its nifty scene-switch - click on each pic to fade between lit and less-lit.

from the news of the arty and inspirational department: before i die... - an artist in new orleans painted the side of an abandoned house with blackboard paint, stenciled "before i die i want to ______" over and over, and left cups of colored chalk for people to fill in the blanks. and then they did. :D

before i die, i want to climb machu picchu, visit uluru/ayers rock, and see human beings land on mars. what about you?

things what are nifty, links, boston, historical record, hystery, art

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