mmm, artificial strawberry flavor.... also podfics!

Feb 14, 2011 13:29

happy cheap chocolate eve, o my flist. tell someone you love them today. also tell someone you love them tomorrow. :D (whether or not you choose to show your love with half-price valentine's day chocolate is up to you.)

i was going to celebrate with a strawberry creme-filled chocolate heart - they're so completely artificial and i love them so much - but the drugstore next to the office doesn't have any. hmph. so i have, uh, pink grapefruit juice because a. it is pink, b. i love me some grapefruit juice, and c. i've had a cold all weekend and it makes me feel better.

i contributed to an awesome ladies podfic anthology for halfamoon and it's up now! you get seventy-three stories, from forty-one fandoms, for three and a half hours of listening pleasure. (i read five ficlets, in five fandoms, and i'll make a separate post with the individual podficlets and, uh, another link to the anthology. :D ) one of the podfics i had to rerecord like ten times because i hated each version. a one-minute ficlet should not be that much trouble!

i'm kinda liking this podficcing gig. we will however ignore for the moment that i still owe one for help_pakistan.... but it's a bit longer than a minute and a half, and i'm not recording anything until i stop sounding like a plague carrier.

yesterday i went to a craft fair with tamalinn and one of her friends, and i bought a bookmark (it says "you are here" which i thought was really cute), and probably my favorite booth was the one with the adorable plush bomb. boom. :D

psa, evp, oh my god the cute

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