y'know, i could eat another couple dumplings...

Dec 25, 2010 21:36

a merry christmas to them what celebrate it, and a fabulous saturday to them what don't. :D

and! a happy birthday to scarlett_o, wearing of wings to parties. :D i hope you get some scarlett-centric celebration today, separate from this jesus dude. and also cake, because one should have cake for one's birthday.

dancing boys: *waltz*

(possibly the dancing boys have been watching the nutcracker....)

today i have had chinese food - dim sum brunch - followed by true grit which i enjoyed a lot and highly recommend, followed by a long-ass walk, followed by a short-ass rest, and followed by... more chinese food. well, it was dinnertime by then and we were hungry again. and after i got home i watched kung fu panda on tv and now i want a dumpling or three. i think i'll have some chocolate or maybe a clemetine instead.

a very special christmas message to the jews of america. (it's funny, trust me.)

christmas, psa, jewstuff

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