happy birthday
othercat! here's to the universe sitting up and behaving itself and letting you stress a little less. have a cupcake. :D
dancing boys: *party down*
last night my parents had a hanukah party, which meant i chatted with the fam for about half an hour, went to curling (where we lost >.< ), went back to the house, ate my body weight in latkes, doughnut holes, and cookies, and later washed ALL THE DISHES. i am not even kidding. (pots and pans and serving plates and bowls and tupperware and a shit-ton of plastic party plates that apparently don't go in the dishwasher.) i washed and my cousin dried and afterwards i felt REALLY ACCOMPLISHED. and kind of wet. o.O there was some splashing.
insmallpackages get post (ie, stuff what people asked for) is live, so if you made a wish you can start checking to see if someone filled it yet, and if you didn't make a wish you can still check out all the nifty. the first thing posted is a bunch of frog icons. cute! and there are still
lots of wishes left to grant if you're feeling creative. :D
amazing and theatrical chinese couture - impractical and unwearable but gorgeous, oh my god. the amount of work that went into constructing them is just astonishing.