not that i expect this to stick, but still

Sep 29, 2010 22:36

there's no way to explain this other than to say the chances of me writing any more of any of these stories/'verses is increasingly small - never say never but also never say there'll be lots more - so i figured i'd just tell y'all what happens and then i'll feel more like the stories are done and i can go on to something else. like drawing a line at the bottom of a sheet of paper and starting over.

(i got a tarot reading a couple months ago. this makes sense in context.)

...yeah, you know what? screw the lengthy details. the ot4 stay together with a not insignificant amount of shenanigans. francis black eventually marries a nice girl and has a couple kids and spends a lot of time looking for life in outer space. val starts teaching swim classes at the y and comes out as poly to his sister, who's a little confused but not too judgmental, and also he never does become a lawyer. derry gets his ged and goes to art school after a serious amount of poking, prodding, and assistance from the girls in his life, altho he doesn't stay there because he's an imposter syndrome waiting to happen and higher education freaks him out. but by the time he hits his thirties he's figured out how to make a living drawing. i have no idea what happens to will. jay likewise gets his ged, goes to college, goes to grad school, and becomes a social worker dealing with runaway and homeless teens, specifically lgbt teens, and then he burns out and i'm not sure what he does after that besides volunteer for the trevor project. simon ages badly and even tho he never gets over the urge to run, he does stop actually running. i have no idea what happens to sam and aurelian. harrow and highgate get less and less patient with other people and better and better at hunting, trapping, and killing things, and eventually they turn into legends, just because no one ever gets to know them well enough to know the truth.

and that's it.

(origfic_bingo cards start coming out tomorrow, so of course i feel the need to do this now. >.< )

ot4, sam and aurelian, threesomefic, derry belmont, the twins, simon and jay

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