i got rained on, found some links of nifty, and have a book to share

Aug 24, 2010 17:02

it's cold and raining in greater boston and it feels like fall and i am CONFUSED. also it is apparently forty degrees hotter in dallas and that's just wrong.

twelve simple interiors - just what it says, altho i'm not sure i'd call them "simple".... uncluttered, maybe. brightly colored, some of them. pretty nifty overall.

star wars in the silent age - what the "luke, i am your father!" scene might have looked like in the days of silent movies. i love how the music is both silent-movie-retro and clearly star wars.

so the book i made for sweet charity a year late went off to its final destination, and more importantly reached its final destination, and even more importantly than that, the person i made it for liked it. so now i can share it.

i was won by wojelah and she wanted a larger size blank book, so it's 7.25" x 9.5" and 112 pages.

i think this is thai paper, but it might also be indian, but i have no idea because i bought it in 2008 when i went to visit ephemera and it never had a label on it. maybe it's tibetan? in any case, red and gold and really pretty.

the binding, which gave me SO MUCH GRIEF. seriously. i have learned my lesson regarding this particular thread, let me just say. i do like the color, tho. i wanted thread that wasn't red or gold or dark yellow, and this kind of light brown seemed to work. just... ARGH.

the inside cover paper is yellow and the bookmark's got a glass bead, which is gold inside with a white swirl on the outside. i think i had the cord before i started making the book, which almost never happens and is thus really gratifying when it does.

retronaut, links, weather, interior design, bookbinding

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