they got married in buttfuck nowhere and i know because i've been there

Apr 06, 2010 15:49

today is my parents' 42nd anniversary. happy anniversary, mom and dad.

what do you get someone for their ultimate-answer anniversary?

hedge of rage - er. not what you get someone for their 42nd anniversary. just... a hedge with rage.

gummi anatomie - i'll be honest - detailed anatomical drawings kinda squick me. but this is the anatomy of a gummy bear. and that makes it slightly less squicky and slightly more, er, sticky. in a good way. :D

the us census bureau is encouraging same-sex couples to mark themselves as married on their census forms - their take on it is that if you and your partner consider yourselves married, then for census purposes you're married. sez tim olson, one of the census bureau chiefs overseeing this, "we've never asked people to show us their marriage licenses. we don't do that for straight people." focus on the family type groups are predictably upset, but they can suck it.

(i can't imagine anyone is going to argue that you shouldn't participate in the census - as part of a same-sex couple or not - but if you feel the urge, i ask you to please take it elsewhere.)

family photos, links, gay marriage, hedgies

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