happy birthday
wesleysgirl! writer of stories, baker of cookies, (almost-)local fangirl. i hope mr wg and the boy are being good to you today! and damn, you got some fine birthday weather. have a cupcake. :D and some glitter. *fling!*
dancing boys: *boogie*
today driving home i got stuck at a red light behind a car with a jesus fish on the back of the trunk, as well as a sticker that said "keep christ in christmas" and one for catholic tv. and the license plate? 666-[letters]. license plate of the beast! hee.
ok, i giggled.
i think it might be spring. any minute now i'm going to be siezed with a desire to clean my house. and then i'll probably lie down and wait for it to pass....
29. How often do you think about writing? Ever come across something IRL that reminds you of your story/characters?
i think about it ALL THE FUCKING TIME. i see and hear stuff in real life that reminds me of my characters all the fucking time too. it doesn't help when you set a story in the city where you live, either. (i haven't mentioned it but derry lives in a place that looks suspiciously like greater boston. it's not greater boston, but that's my template.) most of the time it's songs i hear on the radio, but occasionally i'll be in a store or a restaurant or a random building, or just walking on the sidewalk, and i'll see something or think of something that reminds me of someone i've written. when i used to watch american idol and project runway i'd sometimes get internal running commentary. that was actually kind of fun.