spn - 4x14

Feb 05, 2009 22:10

when the sides for this episode came out, there was all this chatter on lj, and i was so sorely tempted to click a couple cut-tags and spoil myself. i didn't, because i'm terrifically spoiler avoidant, but now i'm wondering how different the episode is as filmed from the sides.

(sex and violence)

previouslies point to the last five anvil minutes being about sam and ruby and his power.

you think succubi? ok, or sirens....

dean's "strippers, sammy!" face is so cute. finally, a job where he's actually supposed to check out hot girls all day. heh.

and the fake fbi agents meet a real fbi agent. i knew their ada was going to be bobby. check out all his phones and thus all his aliases! he is indeed awesome.

y'know, if sirens could be guys i'd be guessing the fbi agent is one, because he's, like, perfect for dean. i mean, he knows all about the impala! and zeppelin! and they're kind of bonding at the strip club! he's like dean's perfect partner.

i'm going to guess that the nice doctor who's flirting with sammy and has the hyacinth in her office is this siren they're looking for. i'm also going to guess that the sirens drug their victims by touch before they've had sex - she brushed sam's hand when she gave him the glass, and next thing you know they're fucking in her office.

so does this mean she's sam's perfect woman? and has she read his mind enough to convince him to kill ruby? because ruby's the only woman in his life, and the siren's mo doesn't seem to involve the guy's brother. altho dean's going to keep sam from her more than ruby would.... and dean is a bigger part of his life.

i really like the fbi agent and really hope he doesn't end up a. dead, or b. a bad guy.

OH GOD DAMMIT. >.< i knew he was too perfect for dean. well, we're certainly going to get ourselves a winchester vs winchester showdown, aren't we. i... don't know how i feel about that. the show's going to use this as a vehicle by which the boys are going to hash out their issues with dean being in hell and sam sneaking around.

seriously, show? you couldn't figure out a more subtle, organic way to do it?

(it's really hard to watch the boys beating each other up, y'know?)

hi bobby!

well, now the boys each know how the other feels about him.... altho dean has already had the experience of sam trying to kill him while under the influence of creepy. twice.

no they are not going to be ok, bobby. you know it, they know it, we know it. if they were going to be ok with the fact they'd just said some really horrible things and tried to kill each other, we wouldn't have a show.

you think sam really thinks he's a better stronger hunter than dean, and that dean is weak and too absorbed in his back-from-hell angst to effectively hunt lilith? i think deep down in places he doesn't like to talk about at parties, he does actually think something like that. i don't think he said all those things because he'd just pulled them out of thin air. altho it's possible he just said what he knew would hurt dean the most, whether he actually believed it or not.

and we know dean is pissed about sam keeping ruby and everything associated with her a secret....

i kinda like that the siren turned out to be a guy, tho. that was nifty. and actually not a complete surprise when it happened. and the episode was actually about both brothers, which is always nice. it wasn't just a sam episode with some dean or a dean episode with some sam.

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