"you have a tell." "i have a tell?"

Jan 28, 2009 13:21

all the lovely snow from this morning has turned to rain. i don't know if this is an improvement or not. i still get to leave work early. at least i was smart and brought my umbrella to work with me. *flexes*

for no apparent reason, today's friendly hostility made me crave red velvet cupcakes in the worst way. clearly someone loves me because starbucks had them, so i got one and have thus eaten a moist and tasty and DARK RED red velvet cupcake and appeased the craving. \o/

i've been tagged twice for that "twenty-five things about you" meme, but not here, on facebook. o.O guys. i don't USE facebook. (no. seriously. i haven't changed my status message in probably two weeks. i use it to occasionally check out pics of myself when i was young and stupid and lived in nashville, because people i went to school with occasionally post them.) does this mean i have to do it? i don't think i can think of twenty-five random facts/habits/whatever that are worth repeating. i mean, do you need to know my mom once suggested i take up smoking so i'd stop biting my nails? (i never figured out if she was kidding or not. somehow i don't think she was. i made a completely appalled face at her, because WHAT?)

watched leverage twice last night and i think i liked last week's better. this week didn't quite grab me, altho it was a very topical job and i like all the "WAIT, WHAT??" reactions from the rest of the team whenever nate says something along the lines of "no, don't take that very large sum of money after all". apparently it was supposed to be episode 1x04, tho, which might explain some of the off-ness.... why does a network show episodes out of order like that? there's a reason the ptb wrote them in the order they did. there was still some good parker and some good eliot and of course some very adorable eliot&hardison, because they are just so very cute i think it's impossible for them not to be adorable together.

and i swear there was a scene in which sophie and eliot were standing face-to-face and she was taller than he is, or at the very least they were the same height. my reaction was indeed "eeeee, tiny ninja! ^_^" chris kane would probably be appalled, but i mean it in the nicest possible way.

really i just wanted to mention the red velvet cupcake.

...i don't even think it's raining any more. we shut down for this? o.O

leverage, wtf, red velvet cake, snow, friendly hostility, memes, facebook

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