food, photos, the usual grab bag of post

Jan 21, 2009 13:26

sesame street cupcakes - big bird, cookie monster, and elmo. the cookie monster cupcakes have wee fondant cookies on them. socute.

this friday is national pie day. did you know there was an american pie council? i did not. i think that calls for a pushing daisies marathon, myself. and possibly an apple pie which is freakin' worth it. or a potpie. yum.

this morning i saw some really sweet photos of president (heee!) obama and his lovely first lady dancing at one of the inaugural balls, but now i can't find them to share. they were the kind of photos that you look at and think "wow, those two people are really in love with each other". well, that and they're just a really good-looking couple of people.... my boss was telling me there was a ball for the kids, too, which i think is completely adorable.

the phone company is doing some work in the office building and i can hear them drilling or possibly jackhammering on the roof. at least i assume they're on the roof - it sounds like they're in the walls but that's not actually possible. it's driving me NUTS. at least no one's tried to call yet, and the boss is out to lunch so i don't have to try to hold a conversation with anyone.

oh thank god, they stopped.

i've been half-assedly trying to write an ot4 story for months, and the one line i really like - "nash is quiet. no, even better, nash is thinking." - i don't think fits after all. i'll have to find somewhere else to put it. nash doesn't tend to think quietly around other people.

leverage continues to crack my shit up. it is so my happy-place tv show. (oddly enough it shares that spot with the depressing and convoluted bsg.... go fig.) i may need to find a good hardison icon. age of the geek, baby.

i've been feeling kind of postily boring lately, rampant presidential squee and links of random notwithstanding. someday i'll have more fic to post. hopefully that will up the "interesting" quotient.

leverage, ot4, pie, work, baked goods, hi president obama

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