good things day 3, and also a psa

Dec 20, 2008 19:47

happy birthday spikess, ninja!fangirl and maker of sock puppets with tinhats. cupcake? glitter? dark alley from which to pimp obscure tv shows? :D

dancing boys: *boogie*

the good things for today are slightly mitigated by the fact that my car doors are frozen shut. at least i don't have to drive anywhere until tomorrow. but still! my dad's helpful suggestions included tapping the door frame with a wooden spoon - i guess to loosen the ice - and if all else fails, boiling some water and pouring it on the door. i think i'm going to take option b. but tomorrow, when i can see.

things of good, day 3:

1. total! drama! island! animated reality shows for the win. \o/

2. hobby bunker in malden, mass

3. we are bad news, which STILL cracks me up and made me giggle in the t station on the way to the aforementioned hobby bunker

4. tuna noodle casserole

5. i can see this house down the street from my dining room window, and the people who live there decorated the pine tree in the front yard and the little fence around the property with white christmas lights, and it's really pretty

eight days of good things, well this sucks, car issues, psa

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