my clothes are having a monday

Nov 10, 2008 13:16

some of you may have met or at least heard me talk about my pink jackie kennedy coat - it's a trench coat, about knee length, kind of satiny material altho i don't think it's actually satin, and it's pink with big black buttons, a belt, and black leather trim. i feel like jackie kennedy circa november 1963. sometimes i joke that all i need is a pink pillbox hat, and if anyone gets shot in my vicinity, it will probably be my fault.

anyway. one of the back seams sprung a hole, so i took it to the dry cleaner's across the street from the office (where i take my sweaters and pants and whatever needs to be dry cleaned, because it's super convenient and usually they do a good job) (they mended a couple sweaters that had moth holes in them) to be fixed, and said sure, clean it while it's here. it's a spring/fall coat, not particularly heavy, and now it's too cold to wear it, so i figured i may as well hang it up clean until next spring.

well. i go to pick it up today, and the seam is fixed, and the skinny bits of black leather trim? apparently not so dry-cleaner-proof. whoever they sent the coat to to be cleaned, she tested one of the sleeves to make sure the leather wouldn't bleed, and it didn't on that sleeve, so she went ahead and cleaned the whole coat, and guess what? the leather trim on the other sleeve was not cleaner-proof, and it bled. so my lovely pink coat now has pale blue-purple stains on the sleeve and on the front near the collar. i can't wear it in public. the woman at the dry cleaner asked - a couple of times - if i could get my money back from the manufacturer, and i said - also a couple of times - that i bought it at an outlet mall, and it was on sale even for an outlet, and i got it a year and a half ago and obviously don't still have the receipt. and anyway, i don't want my money back, i want to be able to wear the coat.

she explained several times what happened and why the person who cleaned it did so, even knowing that leather doesn't always clean well, and i told her i couldn't wear it and i wasn't going to get my money back and was there anything they could do, and she said she'd try, she couldn't make any promises (which i interpreted to mean "i'll try but not very hard"), and they'll keep it for a couple more weeks and see if they can get any of the stains out. and if they can't, i guess i'm out a pink coat. which really, really ticks me off. i should've asked them to just sew the seam back together and not bother cleaning it. i don't wear it that often and i hadn't spilled anything on it or brushed against a dirty car or sat on bird crap on a bench or anything, i mean it looked fine, and if i'd known i ran the risk of getting it back stained with leather stain, i wouldn't have had them clean it at all.

well this sucks, rant

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