stuff. and things.

Aug 17, 2008 14:35

i can hear the downstairs neighbors through my dining room floor. they must have the stereo on or the guy is playing a bass guitar or something, because i can hear the bass line. it's not offensive, but it is kind of annoying.

maybe it's the tv, because now i hear muffled words. hmph. well, i was going to leave the house anyway.

yesterday i met gem225 for lunch and bent her ear about generation kill slightly more than was probably necessary. *ahem* there was context! and she said she'd try to watch it, and she didn't tell me to shut up, so i consider it a win. :D we went to the comic store and the bookstore and spent money (it was a tax-free day) and walked and talked and it was just a really good day.

and now i'm going to leave the house and take advantage of the weather and i hope you're all having good days too.

fun friends, neighbors

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