yay, i say, yay

Aug 11, 2008 18:58

my marriage story sold! *does a little boogie* i have no idea when it will be out, other than "next month some time". i think. i'll let you know, never fear. :D

i feel weirdly validated. not just in the "i'm good enough to be published" sense, but in the "i can actually finish a story, thank you very much" sense. go me. i think i'll make a pizza to celebrate.

also, for the twilight and/or spn fen on the flist - huntin' ain't never been so shiny, by moonshayde. in which sam and dean hunt the undead and sparkly. short and kinda cracky, and also fun.

pee ess - are you watching generation kill? if so, isn't it good? if not, would you like an introductory pimp post?

writing, fic recs, good things, generation kill

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