books and links and outer space and a plot bunny

Jun 16, 2008 16:43

this book looks really interesting. (if you like to know what links link to before you click them - and i totally don't blame you if you do - the book's called a voyage long and strange and is basically a history of europeans in north america before the pilgrims washed ashore in massachusetts. and it looks nifty.)

two things my inner francis black - not to mention my inner me :D - is all asquee about:

a. astronomers get to watch the actual death of an actual star for the first time (as opposed to only getting to see the supernova, by which time the star is already gone)

b. astronomers find three super-earths orbiting a star. they're just winging around that thing - one of the planets has an orbit of a whopping four days. they're also hoooooge. but look, earth-like planets! there might be lots of them out there. which is neat.

(francis black is interested in astronomy from a young age. he goes to college for astrophysics or astrobiology or some other astro field. something outer-spacey, anyway. he loves the astronomy picture of the day.)

i had a plot bunny last night that was, uh, futurefic rpf. rpf, people. which is one slip down the slope away from rps. and which i am 99.44% sure i'm not going to write. i'd like to blame wrenlet because she usually gets the blame for the fannish crazy, but i'm not sure it's entirely her fault....

things what are nifty, wtf, links, ot4, rpf omg, books that look good, plot bunnies

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