ignipes has a
poll up on boyhips, soliciting opinions and pictorial evidence for same. and it got me thinking. (which is difficult, let me tell you. have i mentioned how hot it is in greater boston today? too hot to think. [1]) i'm as big a fan of boyhip as the next person, but it kind of depends on the boy and what he's wearing and how he's shaped and how he's standing and a bunch of other highly subjective things. but man, i'm a sucker for the small of a guy's back. and a really nice set of shoulders. (see icon. :D ) and, uh, feet. (what? i like a good-looking foot.) and of course there's always the giant porn hands of texas hands.
mmmm, hands.... *takes a moment*
where was i? right, hips.
your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to share a pic or two of your favorite hips. guyhip, girlhip, hipbone, it's all good. 'cause, you know, at least girls have hips.
so lay on me some pics of hips that make you happy.
here's one to get you started:
[1] which is hot for greater boston, anyway. i think it's supposed to be 96º today. those of you who live in southern/texan states or warm countries where this kind of thing is normal, feel free to laugh at me. :D