i liked this meme the last time it went around. :D from
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
my tomatoes! well, technically not my tomatoes, but i took the pic of them.... when i went to paris last december i met
ephemera for the day on saturday, and because it was really nice out and we both wanted to see it, we went to pere lachaise cemetery. and the batteries in my camera died. >.< so we left the cemetery and went down the street and luckily found a little corner store so i could buy more batteries. there was some produce in crates in front, and one of the crates had rows of cherry tomatoes still on the vine. i'm used to cherry tomatoes rolling around loose in a pint box, so the fact they were all still attached to each other was really neat. so i
took a picture of the whole display. and then i needed a food icon because i seem to talk about food a lot, and thus do i have tomatoes. :D
my ted and little jay icon. for those who are, uh, well, not necessarily new to my little corner of lj, but who friended me in the past, i dunno, couple years, ted is a teenage dad (well, barely - he's nineteen) and little jay is his daughter and frase is his friend and not-boyfriend, and they appear in a
random collection of fics. i occasionally refer to ted and little jay as "punk boy and baby", which is why the plaid. ted is a firm believer in plaid bondage pants, and little jay becomes a firm believer in pleated plaid miniskirts.
lemon on a windowsill. made by
buhfly. it's pretty and soothing and summery, and there's something really cute about a random citrus fruit sitting on a windowsill. it's my default summer icon. if you read your flist on the default view, or your layout has a white background, you can't tell that this is a full 100px x 100px icon, because the window shutter and lemon are on a white wall.
oh no, porn! *ghasp!* like, what, you were surprised there's pr0n on the internet? i like a sarcastic icon. :D it was made by
apiphile and if you've seen the dr who episode blink, you might recognize the angel.
i like boys in kilts. 'nuf said. :D (altho this is a guy in a kilt, because look at that chest and those arms - that is not a boy's body.) oh, ok, more details:
karenbear did an "i'll pick one of your interests and make an icon for it" meme about a thousand years ago, and apparently she liked that i listed "boys in kilts". so now i have a guy in a kilt to use on anyone who i feel needs him.
feel free to play along, or not, as the spirit moves you.
lanyon posted a meme i kind of want to do, wherein you mention a character i've written and i answer a bunch of questions about them, but maybe i should eat dinner first and thus fortify myself, on the off chance someone asks for someone i haven't written in like three years and i have to think about it.