grab bag of post

Jan 07, 2008 17:13

i don't think i've ever made any secret of the fact that i'm tremendously cynical about human beings - i think the only thing you can always count on people to do is let you down, and i say that as someone who has been let down (and has no doubt let other people down). but i also know that if you say "i'm having a bad day/week/month/life, please tell me something good about myself," your friends will totally come through for you. people will still disappoint you, but someone somewhere thinks you're fabulous and is glad to know you, and given half a chance they'll tell you so. so, thank you. you guys are fabulous and i'm glad to know you. :>

...renegade just came up on my itunes. all the spn fen on the flist, flail with me now. :D one of the best uses of music on that show ever. no lie. also, is it me or has s3 been much more with the (occasionally very intrusive) score-type background music and less with the good hard rock songs?

oh mama i'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law....

what happened to that particular storyline, anyway? where's hendrickson? you can't tell me the fbi isn't still after the boys.

er. if you happen to have been spoiled for future episodes, please to be keeping your spoilers to yourself. i don't want to know. seriously. i don't. that was a theoretical question, about hendrickson.

good news of the recent couple days: there's a 95% chance wincon will be in boston this year. WOO, i say, WOO AND HOO. i won't have to fly. \o/

over the weekend i had these random twitchfits because i wanted to write something but didn't know what. i couldn't think of anything to say. it was very frustrating. *insert appropriate twitchy frustrated face* so i figured i'd try the time-honored custom of appealing to the flist for some prompts and hoping that shakes something loose. i make no promises, but feel free to leave some fic prompts. a word, two words, a random phrase, a setting, whatever.

writing, winchestercon, supernatural flail, gratitude

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