can i have a hot damn and a hallelujah

Nov 29, 2007 01:22

i have no idea if anyone is going to see this and i should be in bed anyway, but!


51,192 words, baby. the ending is terrifically rushed but i had to finish it tonight and maybe one day i'll go back and make it longer. and the lesson i learned this year is that yes, i CAN write more than a thousand words in a month, even if they're not all good words. (and they're not.) a lot of it was like pulling teeth and next time i need more than one character in the first 30k words because i missed writing dialogue and it goes fast and after a while i was just choking on all the paragraphs. but i like the story and i like the characters and i'm kind of impressed that i finished and kind of impressed that the reason i finished is because i'm too fucking stubborn and too fucking proud to let nano get the best of me. i beat that sucker, man.

this one's for saunteringdown, vocal fan of the quiet post-apocalypse, altho she has to share the twins and the guys from portland with wrenlet.

and huge thanks to everyone else who read it, whether you commented or not. i hope you liked (at least most of) it. *smooch*


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