My piano students (siblings) have ditched me -again-. I am really, really tired of this family changing schedules on me. I am not on 24-hour standby for you, otherwise I'd charge you a lot more for these lessons. Grrr...
I know I said I'd post piccies of crafty stuff by the end of the month, but it seems that won't happen; I'm a bit too lazy/busy to get the photos, and I'll be leaving for Boston tomorrow morn, back on the 31st.
Laine's in New Jersey, and Ian's in Boston. I saw Abhi yesterday, though we didn't have enough time to watch District 9. I still haven't seen Jen, Bre, or Lianne this summer, sadly. Lianne, did you find a place downtown yet? I wanna come see!!!
Didn't update this past Sunday because I was at Chilton's for his little all-walks-of-life friend gathering. Sage and Owen couldn't make it, but Liz and I got to meet everyone else (including Kathy's boyfriend who came upstairs to pick her up and found us doing workout videos (that Kathy bought for Chilton), and who didn't say anything to us before he left, heh). We're likely the craziest of the bunch, but I can see why we're all Chilton's friends. Funny enough, I think Jimmy's the most similar to us. I'm still upset I can't find my Taboo; I think I might have to buy it again *sigh*. But Cranium was fun, especially when we finally ventured into the green and blue cards without a care. I think Joannie warmed up to us a lot more by the end, heehee.
Oh, and Chilton, I think your alcohol tolerance might be slowly going up, so yay? Heh = )
And now, for the regularly scheduled programming:
I'm gonna fail these goals. I haven't been trying at all.
6) not spend more than $250 for each of 10 months
I failed again this month. I bought wool combs. *headdesks* I'm likely going to fail next month too when I start going back to school. And also in October because CSNF is on, and I wanna possibly pick up a spindle from Purple Purl.
7) save $5000 over the 1001 days (all spendings and earnings count toward this amount, except the money currently in GICs)
Unlikely, but at this point I'll settle for a net of 0 by Jan 2011; I'm still like -4k from May 2008 from paying off student loans and paying tuition, half of which my parents paid.
8) be debt-free
Soon will have a new loan from OSAP. Now that I've mailed my supplementary docs (I can't believe my parents have to write a letter saying I live with them *rolls eyes*).
10) stay off eBay for 8 consecutive months, including browsing (looking at something that someone linked does not count)
Half a month more! (I should just make this til the end of September, why not.)
13) sell the yarn I don’t want (ex. on eBay) or donate it
Sending out yet another box to Stitch in Peace. I think I might be back at +/-0 again, or maybe even under, yay.
14) spin at least ¼ of the roving I have now (which is 1.92 lbs, or 30.68 oz)
"Now" being May 2008, which is annoying, I wanna break out the merino-silk I got last October, boo. But the good news is I've finished another 9.5 oz since. Woot.
17) knit a top for myself
It's donneee. But I'm not happy with it. So while I've technically finished this goal, I'm gonna leave it uncrossed until I make another one.
19) knit a second halter top in mercerized cotton
It's donneeeee, and I -am- happy with it!! Blocked, and I even wore it to Chil's on Sunday (and Jimmy even tugged on it...). Pics next post = )
27) finish butterfly cross-stitch
Also done, and I magically have a frame at home that it fits in. Happies!!!
43) write a piece of (fan)fiction at least 20 000 words long
44) attempt NaNoWriMo
Clearly I always meant to do these two together. November is actually when my first placement will be, so I don't know if that means I'll be more busy or less busy. But I need get the plot outlined ASAP and also start it (the beginning is always my biggest hurdle, so I want it out of the way before November starts).
53) listen to all of I Am America and So Can You audio book
I'm very much enjoying it, and I have like 45 minutes left to listen to, which I'll finish tonight. I should download America: The Book too.
54) watch 5 Disney movies I haven’t yet watched
I think I'm done...Alice in Wonderland, Hercules, Prince of Egypt, Basil the Great Mouse Detective, and Aladdin (yes I never watched all of Aladdin from start to end til now).
59) cut down current Unfamiliar Songs folder by half by either familiarizing myself with them or removing them
Done cutting in half. Now I can add more songs to the folder, heh. My playlist is weird...
60) figure out all songs from iPod from Laine’s playlist (and delete the ones I am not interested in)
Stupidly, I could do this in a heartbeat. Winamp tells me the titles. Why haven't I done this yet?
62) back-up all things important to me (in digital format)
Man I'm way too lazy for this.
63) sort all university photos and burn them to disc
And this.
66) get rid of textbooks I don’t want anymore (donating counts)
I've decided to keep most of my textbooks (I didn't have that many electives outside of Psych anyways), so I'll drop off the 2 or 3 other ones at the library at some point. When I finally drop off the other books. I really need a car...
68) donate unwanted books from book box and bookshelf to Mississauga Library
Yeah, this goal. Exactly. (I also need to drop off stuffed animals at Goodwill. I wonder if Liz would be willing to drive around to do a donation run with me...)
70) learn to play the Pathetique Sonata (all three movements)
I keep picking it up and putting it down. Also, I don't like playing the 2nd movement (I finally like the 1st one now, heh), I only like listening to it. Damn.
77) find a pen-pal/swap-pal and exchange at least 6 letters and/or items (6 from and 6 to)
I think I'm at 2 with one pal and 3 with another? Not good enough, I know. They haven't sent me anything recently either. *sad*
80) contact Bertha, Etta, and Kelvin somehow at least once every two months
I ran into Shokei on Monday!! I really need to send out that email...
90) make spaghetti from scratch
Admittedly, we did this last month. I don't know why it wasn't crossed off. The spaghetti was quite terrible, too thick so it didn't cook properly. But the carbonara part of it was yummy, lol.
95) get a new LJ background, either by making it myself or getting someone to make it for me
yggdriedi and/or
razberrycreme, any chance I could re-convince you to help me? (I'm stupid for asking right before school starts, I know.)
99) make a wish list with 50+ items on it
Yay, it's at 50 (even though I've gotten some of them now, since I started the list back in May) - some are a lot less realistic than others, but hey it's my wishlist, I can put whatever I want on it, right?
The update next month will be after the halfway mark of the 1001 days. And I'm definitely not going to be done 50 goals by that time (not even close), but I'm not disheartened.
As for the Harry Potter scarves, the Ravenclaw one has been picked up, but the other 3 still remain. Meep.