Jun 07, 2009 22:03
New month means icon change time, heehee. Yes, I've been terrible with updating my LJ, I know.
I just got a new board game. It has a new-board-game smell. You know, like new books? But stronger, and a little bit plastic-y. I don't like it, but wheee, game. I hope I like it. It's apparently 1-player-able, which is pretty damn awesome. Probably not nearly as fun, but still. It's called Agricola, in case any of you are board game fanatics (supposed to be one of the all-time bestest board games). Tonight I shall try and learn how to play, heh... I hope I don't fall asleep reading, I'm pretty tired.
We played Us & Them and the girls won. And then I also won at Caracassone - double win. I totally won at board games today = )
We went rock climbing this morning!!! It was actually quite fun. I'm sad we didn't have a camera on us today, but oh well. My arms are gonna cry at me tomorrow. Jess was definitely awesome today, and Ji was good too. There was a rope for rope climbing and I tried it cuz I could never go up ropes during PhysEd in elementary school. I actually did not bad today, but there were knots tied on this one. Liz and I tried so hard to get to the top, but we couldn't make it. And then for wall climbing, Chris failed me once, heh, but I forgive him - I kind of swung and hit the wall once when I fell. No worries, I'm more resilient than that *grins*
New board game!!!
*squishes all of you* You're all so great to me = )