Man, I don't go online for like two days and it feels so weird. I'm totally a net-aholic.
Scarf is finished, and has been gifted and was well received, so yay!!! Cept I didn't get a picture...but I shall try to remember to take one in the new year. My don's finally going back to his hometown in India this Christmas after donning and doing grad studies here quite intensively for almost three years, so I'm really excited for him.
Anyways, after speed knitting the last few days, and then baking a bunch of stuff yesterday, and then sleeping awkwardly on my shoulder, my right arm hates me now so I should probably lay off the arm-intensive stuff for a few days. Cept Jen's scarf will only take me like 6 hours to finish and I kinda want that high (the one that comes from completing a handmade object) so maybe I'll finish it tomorrow.
I owe a number of entries but tonight I'm just gonna MSN and play DS. As a trade, my to-do list for the break:
-get Christmas sheet music for students
-finish presents for students
-scan/send SDM receipt
-LJ update with: bakingx2,
lilzazu!!!, and cards
-finish knitting: 2 scarves, hat for my dad
-finalize initial planning for Laine's scarf
-find scarf pattern for Ian
-wool wash
-December budget
-start another DS game
-finish Chocobo Tales
-find articles for BIO150 paper
-ball up old yarn
-redo yarn/roving inventory
-further clean my room
-get back in LJ reading
-find a layout template and see if Raz can help me with it
-send out emails
-gain two more levels on Kongregate (Alex's challenge: earn 1 impossible badge)
I'm sure there's more I'll add as I remember it. Aiming to complete....80% of that? Reasonable goal, yes?
DS and real sleep. Should be a good night = )