Scarf length: 20"
Today's goal: 25.5"
Pass or fail: fail
Well, at least I met today's quota, right? I just haven't made up for the last two days. *sigh*
Making food with
captals_avatar was fun today. There's a post about it on her journal, I think; I'll have to leave it off for another day. Also, got an unexpected present from
bodiesofwater, which was so nice - thanks so much Tina!!!
Went to Adam's house with Liz and we played some of Dokapon Kingdom, which is an interesting game. It's like Mario Party, but in RPG style, so you play a character and there are different types of tiles to land on (items, battles, cities, etc.), and you level up and attack each other and stuff. Liz and I "died" a bit, but right before we stopped playing, I took over a city, so currently I'm in 1st place, heehee. Unfortunately, the game takes waaaayyy too long, but I suppose it's supposed to be that way, so oh well. It was still fun.
Would update more but am tired. Piano tomorrow, then studying (hopefully in the library with Liz), then piano on Sunday and more studying, and exam on Monday. But I'll keep the scarf update going; maybe I'll even post a piccie. We'll see how much I procrastinate, lol.
Good night, everyone. And to the fandom: Hope you all had a nice, sweet 12/12 today = )